In unseren heutige Geburtstag Sendung stellen wir von der legendäre shoegazer Labels Claire Records Malory und Monster movie mit deren neuen Alben vor.
Playliste vom 03.05.2003
nova international / one decision / kill your stereo
resplandor / bajo oscuro cielo / ambar
the white stripes / there’s no home for you here / elephant
the kills /fried my little brains / keep on your mean side
electronicat / frisco bay / 21st century toy
monster movie / waiting / last night something happened
monster movie / winter is coming / last night something happened
calexico / quattro / feast of wire
damien saez / j‘ veux qu’on baise sur ma tombe / god blesse
melody club / electric / music machine
malory / falling shine / outerbeats
malory / space in your mind / outerbeats
aerogramme / indiscretion #243 / sleep and release
maximilian hecker / polyester / rose
angie reed / disco club / presents the best of barbara brockhaus
phaser / would you believe / sway
elegant / blindgänger / variationen in lässigem chic
mclusky / when they come tell them no / my pain and sadness is more sad and painful than yours
the hidden cameras / ban marriage / the smell of our own
sigur rós / # 2 / untitled # 1 CDS
wipers / window shop for love / …
aberdeen / fireworks / fireworks ep
spiritualized / do it all over again / come together
sergei prokofiev / symphnony no.5 op.100 II.satz
calla / televised / televise