Unsere Dezember ausgabe von Daydream stellt neues von The Faint und Guitar vor.
Playliste vom 07.12.2002
Dirty Harry / So real / ./.
Guitar / House full of time / Sunkissed
Yeah Yeah Yaehs / Machine / Machine (CDS)
The Faint / Glass Danse / Danse Macabre
The Faint / Agenda Suicide / Danse Macabre
The Jeevas / Cowboys in the movies / ./.
The Moonies / Blue / Who the f… are the Moonies ep
Sigur Rós / Track 8 / ( )
Liam Lynch / United States of Whatever / United States of Whatever (CDS)
Adam Green / Dance with me / Dance with me
Radio 4 / Dance to the Underground / Gotham
Bardo / One step further / ./.
Bright Eyes / Lover I don’t have to love / LIFTED or the Story…
Stereolab / Lo Boob Oscilator / Refried Ectoplasm
The Boo Radleys / Finest Kiss / Finest Kiss ep
Novak / Rapunzel / Rapunzel 7″
Kimono / Japanese Policeman / Demo
The Man From Delmonte / Drive drive drive / ./.
Belle & Sebastian / You’re just a baby / Tigermilk
The Dylans / Godlike / Godlike 12″
Chapterhouse / Pearl / Whirlpool
The Kills / Black Rooster / ./.
Burning Brides / Glass Slipper / ./.
The Stone Roses / She bangs the drums / The Stone Roses
Ride / Polar Bear / Nowhere