empfohlene tonträger:
radical face: ghost (morr music)
air formation: daylight storm (club ac 30)
explosions in the sky: all of a sudden i miss everyone (bella union)
klaxons / atlantis 2 interzone / atlantis 2 interzone (7″)
radical face / welcome home / ghost
radical face / winter is coming / ghost
the snowdrops / sleepydust / sleepydust (12″)
air formation / cold morning / daylight storms
air formation / adrift / daylight storms
calexico / bisbee blue / garden ruin
arcade fire / intervention / neon bible
grinderman / no pussy blues / no pussy blues (7″)
explosions in the sky / catastrophe and the cure / all of a sudden i miss everyone
me succeeds / the glimmer on your eyeleash you took away / mountains fighting submarines
bloc party / hunting for witches / a weekend in the city
bright eyes / four words / four words ep
the daysleepers / the soft attack / the soft attack ep
the whitest boy alive / done with you / dreams
sambassadeur / posture of a boy / sambassadeur
hartfield / soon / never lose that feeling vol.2
my cantina / scintilla / wide awake
stefan eicher / miniminiminiminijupe / noise boys ep
css / meeting paris hilton / cansei de ser sexy
explosions in the sky / the birth and death of the day / all of a sudden i miss everyone
cyann & ben / words / words (7″)
ride / taste / nowhere